Sustainability Statement
Groucho’s® Deli’s foundation is built on our multigenerational values, which discern us and guide our actions. To that end, Groucho’s is committed to looking toward the future and views sustainability from a whole cost* approach. For Groucho’s, thinking and acting sustainably means accountability to the environment, our communities, the general health and wellbeing of our employees, customers, and profits. We believe this approach will provide safety, efficiency, accountability, and longevity that protects our employees, customers, communities, franchisees, and the environment - both now and for generations to come.
We support universal human rights, the law, preservation of the environment, and the furtherment of the communities where we work and play, using the following criterion:
Reduce the environmental footprint of our operations.
- Reduce fuel, energy, water, and other resources needed to provide our services.
- Increase recycling efforts through waste mitigation and compostable packaging.
- Manage Groucho’s supply chain using a sustainable whole cost* approach.
Engage openly on sustainability issues.
- Communicate regularly with customers, employees, franchisees, and suppliers on sustainability issues. Including but not limited to social, economic, and environmental issues.
- Discover opportunities for suppliers, employees, and communities to contribute to our sustainability programs actively.
Support sustainable development.
- Collaborate with our communities, customers, employees, franchisees, and suppliers, to grow sustainably, considering economic, environmental, and social effects.
- Deploy innovative infrastructure to support operational efficiencies while further minimizing resource use.
- Work with our suppliers and vendors towards a more circular economy.
*Groucho's “whole cost” is a decision process that contemplates the decision’s implications to community well-being, environment, and social implications.